Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Life on the Farm with Chris: Don't Pardon Turkeys ~ Honor Them

Chris takes good care of his birds; and they take good care of him.
Happy Thanksgiving to my American readers. What a great holiday -- nothing to do with "gifts"; everything to do with "food" and more, the blessings of the abundance we enjoy in this country.

I am weary of the "pardon Turkey" phenomenon and believe our President has more important things to think about than pardoning the turkey who has garnered the most Facebook fans. (Huh?)

My friend, Chris, whom you've heard about, raises turkeys (male turkeys are called toms) and when the time comes, he also harvests some of them. He purposefully uses the word "harvest" over-against "slaughter" or "dispatch" because he believes the word harvest embodies the true sense of process. His turkeys have lived pleasant lives in the company of geese, chickens, roosters, ducks and a miniature pig named Lydia. Chris faithfully feeds them, changes their water, cleans the coop and breaks up any unsavory pecking-order henhouse battles. When he harvests a turkey he is accepting the gift that has been their life and it is a gift that he shares and blesses many. The turkey gives back what has been given to him -- all good things.  It seems the natural conclusion to cycle of life and a way of honoring the good life of a grand fowl.
Hello, Lydia. And in this case, no, she will not become bacon.

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